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The Importance of Localisation in Security Awareness Training

The Importance of Localisation in Security Awareness Training

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Cyber security attacks are always changing and challenging organisations worldwide. Cyber awareness training has become crucial in mitigating risks. Yet, one often overlooked aspect of this training is localisation. Localisation, in this context, means adapting security awareness programs to the cultural, linguistic, and regional nuances of the target audience.

Neglecting localisation can result in significant cyber security risks, undermining the effectiveness of these programs and leaving organisations vulnerable.

This blog talks about the importance of having Security Awareness Training that is specific to your location. It also discusses the risks of not having tailored training.

The Importance of Localisation in Security Awareness Training

1. Cultural Relevance

Each culture has its own set of values, norms, and communication styles. A security awareness program designed for one region may not resonate with employees in another. For instance, the examples, analogies, and scenarios used in training must be culturally relevant to ensure engagement and comprehension. Without localisation, employees may find the content irrelevant or difficult to understand, reducing the overall effectiveness of the training.

2. Language Barriers

Language is a significant factor in effective communication. Training materials in a language that is not native to the employees can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Important security concepts and practices may be lost in translation, leaving employees unaware of crucial policies or procedures. Providing training in the employees’ native language ensures clarity and better retention of information.

3. Regulatory Compliance

Different regions have distinct regulatory requirements regarding cyber security and data protection. A one-size-fits-all approach to Security Awareness Training program may not address these specific legal obligations. Localisation ensures that training programs are compliant with regional laws and regulations, helping organisations avoid legal repercussions and potential fines.

Risks of Neglecting Localisation

1. Increased Vulnerability to Cyber Attacks

When employees do not fully understand security protocols due to language or cultural barriers, they are more likely to make mistakes that could lead to security breaches. For example, phishing attacks, often exploit a lack of awareness. If employees are not adequately trained to recognise phishing attempts, they may inadvertently provide sensitive information to malicious actors.

2. Reduced Employee Engagement

A study conducted by Tessian revealed that only 36% of employees fully pay attention to security training materials. Additionally, just 28% of employees find these programs engaging.

Security Awareness Training is most effective when employees are engaged and actively participating. Training that fails to consider the cultural and linguistic context of the audience can seem irrelevant or uninteresting, leading to low engagement levels. Disengaged employees are less likely to absorb and apply security best practices, increasing the organisation’s risk exposure.

3. Non-Compliance and Legal Consequences

Failure to comply with regional cyber security regulations can result in hefty fines and legal penalties. A localised training program ensures that employees are aware of and adhere to local laws and standards. Neglecting this aspect can lead to inadvertent non-compliance, putting the organisation at financial and legal risk.

4. Damage to Reputation

A security breach due to inadequate training can severely damage an organisation’s reputation. Customers and partners trust businesses to protect their data and ensure employees are trained to handle security threats. A breach attributed to poorly localised training can erode trust and lead to loss of business.

Best Practices for Localised Security Awareness Training

To mitigate these risks, organisations should adopt best practices for localised Security Awareness Training:

Conduct a Cultural and Linguistic Assessment

Before developing training materials, conduct an assessment to understand the cultural and linguistic needs of your employees. This will help tailor the content to be more relevant and engaging.

Invest in Localised Security Awareness Training

Engaging each user is the critical part of a staff awareness project. Without obtaining employees attention, learning cannot take place. Failure to provide the user with a way to consume content in their native language usually leads to low adoption rates of eLearning campaigns.

Providing extensive language coverage for staff security awareness is a key part of the MetaCompliance solution. We believe that language availability encourages training completion. We support our content in over 40 languages and consider localised sensitivities. This ensures that Security Awareness Training is accessible and effective across different cultures and regions.

Use Real-World Examples

Incorporate examples and scenarios that reflect the local context. This helps employees relate to the material and understand how it applies to their everyday work environment.

Provide Continuous Learning Opportunities

Security threats evolve, and so should training. Provide ongoing training and updates to keep employees informed about current threats and best practices to enhance security culture.

Measure and Adapt

Regularly measure the effectiveness of your training programs through assessments and feedback. Use this data to adapt and improve your training materials continuously.


To make cyber security training effective, it should be tailored to the specific culture, language, and regulations of the audience. Ignoring localisation reduces the effectiveness of Security Awareness Training. It also puts organisations at risk of cyber attacks, non-compliance with regulations, and damage to reputation. By embracing localisation, organisations can enhance their security posture, ensuring that employees are well-equipped to recognise and respond to cyber security threats.

To find out how MetaCompliance can help you provide localised Security Awareness Training solution for your employees, click here.

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