Cyber Security Training & Software for Companies | MetaCompliance


Discover our suite of personalised Security Awareness Training solutions, designed to empower and educate your team against modern cyber threats. From policy management to phishing simulations, our platform equips your workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to safeguard your organisation.

Cyber Security eLearning

Cyber Security eLearning to Explore our Award-Winning eLearning Library, Tailored for Every Department

Security Awareness Automation

Schedule Your Annual Awareness Campaign In A Few Clicks

Phishing Simulation

Stop Phishing Attacks In Their Tracks With Award-Winning Phishing Software

Policy Management

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Privacy Management

Control, Monitor, and Manage Compliance with Ease

Incident Management

Take Control Of Internal Incidents And Remediate What Matters



Explore the versatility of our solutions across diverse industries. From the dynamic tech sector to healthcare, delve into how our solutions are making waves across multiple sectors. 

Financial Services

Creating A First Line Of Defence For Financial Service Organisations


A Go-To Security Awareness Solution For Governments


A Security Awareness Training Solution For Large Enterprises

Remote Workers

Embed A Culture Of Security Awareness - Even At Home

Education Sector

Engaging Security Awareness Training For The Education Sector

Healthcare Workers

See Our Tailored Security Awareness For Healthcare Workers

Tech Industry

Transforming Security Awareness Training In The Tech Industry

NIS2 Compliance

Support Your Nis2 Compliance Requirements With Cyber Security Awareness Initiatives



From posters and policies to ultimate guides and case studies, our free awareness assets can be used to help improve cyber security awareness within your organisation.

Cyber Security Awareness For Dummies

An Indispensable Resource For Creating A Culture Of Cyber Awareness

Dummies Guide To Cyber Security Elearning

The Ultimate Guide To Implementing Effective Cyber Security Elearning

Ultimate Guide To Phishing

Educate Employees About How To Detect And Prevent Phishing Attacks

Free Awareness Posters

Download These Complimentary Posters To Enhance Employee Vigilance

Anti Phishing Policy

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Case Studies

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A-Z Cyber Security Terminology

A Glossary Of Must-Know Cyber Security Terms

Cyber Security Behavioural Maturity Model

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Free Stuff

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MetaCompliance | Cyber Security Training & Software for Employees


With 18+ years of experience in the Cyber Security and Compliance market, MetaCompliance provides an innovative solution for staff information security awareness and incident management automation. The MetaCompliance platform was created to meet customer needs for a single, comprehensive solution to manage the people risks surrounding Cyber Security, Data Protection and Compliance.

Why Choose Us

Learn Why Metacompliance Is The Trusted Partner For Security Awareness Training

Employee Engagement Specialists

We Make It Easier To Engage Employees And Create a Culture of Cyber Awareness

Security Awareness Automation

Easily Automate Security Awareness Training, Phishing And Policies In Minutes


Meet the MetaCompliance Leadership Team

QR Code Phishing
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Beware of Deceptive Tactics: Unmasking the Power of QR Code Phishing
QR codes are everywhere – you can see them on posters, leaflets, ATM screens, price tags and merchandise, historical buildings and monuments but how about QR Code Phishing? QR codes have become an integral part of our daily lives. From restaurant menus to event tickets and even authenticating two-factor authentication, these small black-and-white squares make […]
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Noel Burns

APP Scams
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
How To Prevent APP Scams
In today’s digital age, online banking and payment applications have become integral to our daily lives. While these apps offer convenience and efficiency, they also open the door to a new threat: Authorised Push Payment (APP) scams. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of APP scams, exploring what they are, how they work, […]
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Luke Noonan

cyber security
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
3 Ways to Add Personality to Your Security Awareness Programme
Cyber security training programs are often perceived as dull and uninteresting, leaving employees feeling disconnected so, it’s of utmost importance to add personality to your security awareness programme. It is a known fact that cybercriminals are also becoming more skilled in developing new frauds and methods to hack data so to bridge this gap, it’s […]
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Sakib Rashid

Phishing Scams
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Unraveling the psychology behind phishing scams
Phishing scams have become a prevalent and persistent threat to individuals and organisations alike. These scams are designed to deceive and manipulate victims into divulging sensitive information, such as personal details, passwords, or financial data but thankfully, education on phishing attacks and how to spot them is rising. To combat this growing issue effectively, it […]
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Daniel Friel

cyber security
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Why Cyber Security Matters for CFOs
In today’s digital age, the role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has evolved beyond the traditional financial management responsibilities. CFOs are now key strategic partners who play a crucial role in steering their organisations through the complexities of a rapidly changing business landscape. One aspect that has gained immense importance in recent years is […]
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Noel Burns

Policy Management
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Policy Management – Ensuring Consistency and Compliance Across Your Organisation
Organisations are faced with a myriad of cyber security threats that constantly evolve and and one essential tool is policy management. A company’s policies and procedures ensure your employees remain focused on their objectives, but without compliance, they’re all but ineffective. The consequences for noncompliance, such as legal or financial crises, can be devastating to […]
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Noel Burns

Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Recognising Phishing Attacks in 2024
In 2023, the average financial impact of a data breach caused by phishing soared to a staggering $4.76 million. This alarming statistic serves as a stark reminder of just how cunning and costly these attacks can be. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the world of phishing, exploring its various forms and […]
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Sakib Rashid

Human Firewall
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Securing Human Firewall – Empowering Employees to Combat Phishing Threats
In the ever evolving landscape of cyber security, one thing remains constant – the human element is often the weakest link in the chain and that’s why we need to put a strong focus on securing the human firewall. Phishing attacks continue to be a significant threat to organisations worldwide, with cybercriminals becoming increasingly sophisticated […]
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Luke Noonan

Cyber Security Awareness Month
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Making Cyber Security Awareness Month A Success
As Cyber Security Awareness Month approaches in 2023, organisations around the world are gearing up to strengthen their defense against cyber threats. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Cyber Security Awareness Month and share initiatives that organisations can undertake to educate their staff on cyber awareness. Understanding Cyber Security Awareness Month […]
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Noel Burns

physical security
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Protecting Against Physical Security Threats
In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, the heightened focus on cyber security is undeniable. Yet, one pivotal aspect that often gets overshadowed is physical security. The importance of shielding the workspace against physical threats is equally as critical as safeguarding it from digital breaches. As per IBM’s 2023 Cost of Data Breach Report, the average […]
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Luke Noonan

security awareness training
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
The Importance of Security Awareness Training for Non-Employees
In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, organisations face a multitude of cyber security threats. While much emphasis is placed on training employees to recognise and mitigate these risks, there is an often-overlooked group with significant potential vulnerabilities – non-employees. These individuals, such as contractors, vendors, and partners, have access to sensitive information or systems, making […]
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Luke Noonan

Why One-Size-Fits-All Cyber Security Training Does Not Deliver
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Why One-Size-Fits-All Cyber Security Training Does Not Deliver Results
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, staying competitive and secure is of utmost importance. However, no organisation is immune to cyber threats which is why cyber security must be viewed as an always-on company priority. In fact global cyber attacks have risen by 7% and 1 in 31 organisations worldwide experienced a ransomware attack […]
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Luke Noonan

DDos attack
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
DDoS Attacks: Understanding the Threat
In today’s interconnected digital landscape, the rise of cyber threats poses significant challenges for businesses and individuals alike. One such threat is the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. The 2022 Global Threat Analysis Report revealed a staggering 150% increase in DDoS attacks globally compared to the previous year. This blog post aims to delve […]
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Luke Noonan

Implementing Cyber Security Training for Senior Management
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
Implementing Cyber Security Training for Senior Management
Implementing cyber security training for senior management and decision-makers is essential when it comes to safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring the overall security posture of the company. Cybercriminals often target senior managers because they typically have access to sensitive information, valuable assets, and decision-making authority. By compromising senior management accounts or devices, attackers can gain […]
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Luke Noonan

Email Security
Cyber Security Awareness MetaBlog
What Is Email Security?
With email becoming an indispensable tool for communication on both personal and professional fronts, we’re set to witness a staggering 376.4 billion daily emails by 2025. But with this ubiquity comes vulnerability. Emails have, unfortunately, become a favourite hunting ground for cybercriminals, making email security no longer optional but essential. A recent report revealed a […]
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Luke Noonan