Cyber Security Training & Software for Companies | MetaCompliance


Discover our suite of personalised Security Awareness Training solutions, designed to empower and educate your team against modern cyber threats. From policy management to phishing simulations, our platform equips your workforce with the knowledge and skills needed to safeguard your organisation.

Cyber Security eLearning

Cyber Security eLearning to Explore our Award-Winning eLearning Library, Tailored for Every Department

Security Awareness Automation

Schedule Your Annual Awareness Campaign In A Few Clicks

Phishing Simulation

Stop Phishing Attacks In Their Tracks With Award-Winning Phishing Software

Policy Management

Centralise Your Policies In One Place And Effortlessly Manage Policy Lifecycles

Privacy Management

Control, Monitor, and Manage Compliance with Ease

Incident Management

Take Control Of Internal Incidents And Remediate What Matters



Explore the versatility of our solutions across diverse industries. From the dynamic tech sector to healthcare, delve into how our solutions are making waves across multiple sectors. 

Financial Services

Creating A First Line Of Defence For Financial Service Organisations


A Go-To Security Awareness Solution For Governments


A Security Awareness Training Solution For Large Enterprises

Remote Workers

Embed A Culture Of Security Awareness - Even At Home

Education Sector

Engaging Security Awareness Training For The Education Sector

Healthcare Workers

See Our Tailored Security Awareness For Healthcare Workers

Tech Industry

Transforming Security Awareness Training In The Tech Industry

NIS2 Compliance

Support Your Nis2 Compliance Requirements With Cyber Security Awareness Initiatives



From posters and policies to ultimate guides and case studies, our free awareness assets can be used to help improve cyber security awareness within your organisation.

Cyber Security Awareness For Dummies

An Indispensable Resource For Creating A Culture Of Cyber Awareness

Dummies Guide To Cyber Security Elearning

The Ultimate Guide To Implementing Effective Cyber Security Elearning

Ultimate Guide To Phishing

Educate Employees About How To Detect And Prevent Phishing Attacks

Free Awareness Posters

Download These Complimentary Posters To Enhance Employee Vigilance

Anti Phishing Policy

Create A Security-Conscious Culture And Promote Awareness Of Cyber Security Threats

Case Studies

Hear How We’re Helping Our Customers Drive Positive Behaviour In Their Organisations

A-Z Cyber Security Terminology

A Glossary Of Must-Know Cyber Security Terms

Cyber Security Behavioural Maturity Model

Audit Your Awareness Training And Benchmark Your Organisation Against Best Practice

Free Stuff

Download Our Free Awareness Assets To Improve Cyber Security Awareness In Your Organisation

MetaCompliance | Cyber Security Training & Software for Employees


With 18+ years of experience in the Cyber Security and Compliance market, MetaCompliance provides an innovative solution for staff information security awareness and incident management automation. The MetaCompliance platform was created to meet customer needs for a single, comprehensive solution to manage the people risks surrounding Cyber Security, Data Protection and Compliance.

Why Choose Us

Learn Why Metacompliance Is The Trusted Partner For Security Awareness Training

Employee Engagement Specialists

We Make It Easier To Engage Employees And Create a Culture of Cyber Awareness

Security Awareness Automation

Easily Automate Security Awareness Training, Phishing And Policies In Minutes


Meet the MetaCompliance Leadership Team

What's the best way to educate staff on Cyber Security threats?

Our award winning Elements library consists of engaging eLearning content and user interactions. These short, targeted courses allow your staff to learn through digestible bites of training, helping you to foster Cyber Security and Privacy awareness within your organisation.

For further information on how our Elements Library can benefit your organisation, download our brochure below.

eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
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eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
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eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy

Our eLearning is available in multiple languages. Please contact a member of our sales team for further details.

Secure Programming Training

eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
Play Video

The disconnect between software development and Cyber Security awareness can lead to widespread vulnerabilities. The reality is that a minor flaw in the development of software can cause a major incident.

Our Secure Coding Series uses engaging micro-style storytelling to help embed a culture of secure coding. The eLearning content explores a range of common coding vulnerabilities and recommendations identified by OWASP, a globally recognised nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software.

Our Securely Working From Home Series

As cybercriminals increase their efforts to exploit remote workers, awareness is the most powerful weapon against these targeted threats and techniques.

Our ‘Securely Working from Home Series’ focuses on how remote workers can protect themselves and their organisation from Cyber Security threats outside of the office environment, including secure video conferencing, printer safety and more.

eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
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eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
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eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
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Introducing our Cyber Safe Series

eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
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eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
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Cyber Safe Series DA
Play Video about Cyber Safe Series DA

Gone are the days of mundane eLearning. We know that it takes a variety of training formats to educate and engage employees. So, how do you get people to pay attention? It’s simple – create training that resonates with real people.

Focusing on the human aspect of Cyber Security, our content educates employees about the real risk of Cyber Security threats using real life environments and people.

Ready to bring your eLearning to life?

Short Cyber Security Training for Executives

Senior executives in most organisations represent the ideal target for cyber criminals. These criminals need people with authority and access to information resources to facilitate their exploitation activities.

One size fits all security training will not obtain the buy-in from your senior team that is required. What is needed, is training specific to their seniority that also speaks to the unique role they play in changing employee behaviour towards cyber security and privacy.

eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
Play Video
eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
Play Video
eLearning Cyber Security and Privacy
Play Video
Play Video

Question: How will my team learn about Security and Privacy Threats?

Answer: By creating tailored and branded Cyber Security and Privacy eLearning to develop Cyber resilient staff

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MetaCompliance Cyber Security eLearning Software has a rating of 4.7/5, based on 396 reviews


L’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en ligne, ou “cybersecurity e-learning”, est un processus éducatif qui permet aux employés d’acquérir en ligne des connaissances et des compétences en matière de sécurité informatique et de confidentialité des données. Les solutions d’apprentissage en ligne offrent un moyen pratique et efficace de fournir une formation régulière à tous les employés sur les meilleures pratiques de sécurité et de confidentialité. Le cybersecurity e-learning peut aider à sensibiliser les employés aux risques potentiels des cybermenaces et à renforcer la sécurité globale de l’entreprise.

Les avantages de l’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en ligne pour les employés sont nombreux. Tout d’abord, les programmes de “cybersecurity e-learning” sont plus attrayants et engageants, ce qui peut avoir un impact plus important sur les employés que les méthodes d’apprentissage plus traditionnelles. De plus, les solutions d’apprentissage en ligne sont plus flexibles, permettant aux employés d’apprendre à leur propre rythme et de choisir le moment et l’endroit qui leur conviennent le mieux pour suivre leur formation. En outre, l’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en ligne permet de proposer des contenus personnalisés en fonction des besoins spécifiques de chaque employé. Les programmes de formation en ligne sont également plus faciles à mettre à jour en fonction des nouvelles menaces de sécurité informatique et des évolutions technologiques.

L’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en ligne pour les employés utilise généralement des modules de “cybersecurity e-learning” pour enseigner les concepts de sécurité informatique. Ces modules peuvent être composés de cours interactifs, de vidéos, de quiz et de simulations pour aider les employés à acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour prévenir les attaques informatiques. Les employés peuvent suivre ces cours à leur propre rythme et selon leur propre calendrier. Ils peuvent se connecter à la plateforme d’apprentissage en ligne depuis n’importe quel endroit disposant d’une connexion Internet et suivre les cours en utilisant leur ordinateur, leur tablette ou leur téléphone portable. Cette flexibilité permet aux employés de concilier facilement leur travail et leur formation en cybersécurité. Les modules d’apprentissage en ligne peuvent également être adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de l’entreprise et des employés, en fonction de leur niveau de connaissances et de leurs responsabilités en matière de sécurité informatique. Les résultats des évaluations peuvent être utilisés pour suivre la progression des employés et pour identifier les domaines dans lesquels ils ont besoin de renforcer leurs compétences.

Les cours d’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en entreprise peuvent aborder divers sujets, tels les attaques par hameçonnage et rançongiciel, la navigation sécurisée sur le Web, la gestion de la confidentialité des données, les logiciels malveillants, les cybermenaces, les mots de passe sécurisés, le talonnage sur le lieu de travail, les attaques par ingénierie sociale, les arnaques sur Instagram et les réseaux sociaux, la sécurité mobile, etc. Tous les employés qui utilisent des systèmes informatiques pour effectuer leur travail peuvent bénéficier de l’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en ligne. Cela peut inclure des employés de tous les niveaux hiérarchiques, de la direction aux employés de base.

L’efficacité de l’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en ligne pour les employés peut être mesurée par l’analyse des données de formation, les évaluations des employés et les rapports sur les incidents de sécurité. Ces mesures peuvent aider à déterminer si les employés ont acquis les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour maintenir un niveau élevé de sécurité informatique et de confidentialité des données. Il est également possible de suivre les comportements des employés après la formation pour évaluer leur application des meilleures pratiques de sécurité informatique. En fin de compte, l’efficacité de l’apprentissage de la cybersécurité en ligne pour les employés doit être évaluée en fonction de l’impact que cet apprentissage a sur la sécurité globale de l’entreprise.

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  • email you content that you have requested from us
  • with your consent, occasionally email you with targeted information regarding our service offerings
  • continually honour any opt-out request you submit in the future
  • comply with any of our legal and/or regulatory obligations

Find out how we keep your data safe – read our privacy policy.

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The personal information that you provide to us in this form will only ever be used by MetaCompliance (as the Data Controller) for the following specifically defined purposes:

  • email you content that you have requested from us
  • with your consent, occasionally email you with targeted information regarding our service offerings
  • continually honour any opt-out request you submit in the future
  • comply with any of our legal and/or regulatory obligations

Find out how we keep your data safe – read our privacy policy.